Transformative Phenomenology

Changing Ourselves, Lifeworlds, and Professional Practice
by David Allan Rehorick and Valerie Malhotra Bentz

Transformative Phenomenology captures the influence of phenomenology and hermeneutics on non-university-based scholar-practitioners who completed their doctoral education in later life, thus blending their workplace experiences with their intellectual interests. Contributions from seasoned university-based scholars expands our understanding of phenomenological inquiry in fresh ways. The concept of “transformative phenomenology” springs from the longterm teaching and research experiences of David Rehorick and Valerie Bentz, the book’s co-editors.

“A wide-ranging collection of compelling research studies and personal reflections. Displays the wide range of ways that phenomenological analysis can enrich understanding of one’s self and others and makes phenomenology’s insights readily accessible.” — Frances Chaput Waksler, Wheelock College